I've created a class module which is used to change the colour of the active field in a user form. The the sub within the module is called I get the error "wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment".
The class coding us as follows:
Option Explicit
Public Event GetFocus()
Public Event LostFocus()
Private strPreCtr As String
Public Sub CheckActiveCtrl(objForm As MSForms.UserForm)
With objForm
If TypeName(.ActiveControl) = "ComboBox" Or TypeName(.ActiveControl) = "TextBox" Then
strPreCtr = .ActiveControl.Name
MsgBox strPreCtr
On Error GoTo terminate
If .ActiveControl.Name <> strPreCtr Then
If TypeName(.ActiveControl) = "ComboBox" Or _
TypeName(.ActiveControl) = "TextBox" Then
'can only raise events that are declared as Public Events within the Class
RaiseEvent LostFocus(strPreCtr)
strPreCtr = .ActiveControl.Name
RaiseEvent GetFocus(strPreCtr)
End If
End If
End If
End With
Exit Sub
End Sub
I declare the cls in the form activation
Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
Set objForm = New clsCtlColor
and then call the class sub
ActiveControl.BackColor = &HC0E0FF
objForm.CheckActiveCtrl frmNewJob
this is when the error is received. ""wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment". Any suggestions as to why this is happening would be greatly appreciated.
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