lundi 13 avril 2015

Displaying a column that a user created in a form

Im trying to display a single column from where a user created a form, i have a table and user sessions set up. I need it so that only that column is displayed for the user that created it.

This is the form

<form action="core/process.php" method="post" id="registration" >
<input type="hidden" name="formID" value="Product_Tracker" />

<input type="hidden" name="id_user" value="<?php echo $_SESSION['name_of_user']; ?>" />

<p>Name of product:<input type="text" name="Name of Product" class="input" />

<p>Please select the tests that were done on the product.</p>
<p>In Circuit Test (ICT): Yes: <input type="radio" name="ICT" value="yes" /> No: <input type="radio" name="ICT" value="no" /></p>
<p>Visual Inspection: Yes: <input type="radio" name="Visual Inspection" value="yes" /> No: <input type="radio" name="Visual Inspection" value="no" /></p>
<p>XRAY: Yes: <input type="radio" name="XRAY" value="yes" /> No: <input type="radio" name="XRAY" value="no" /></p>
<p>Automated Optical Inspection (AOI): Yes: <input type="radio" name="AOI" value="yes" /> No: <input type="radio" name="AOI" value="no" /></p>
<!--<p>Checkbox1 <input type="checkbox" name="checkbox" value="checkbox1" /> Checkbox2: <input type="checkbox" name="checkbox" value="checkbox2" /></p>-->

<input type="submit" value="Submit" />
<a href='access-controlled.php'>Back</a>
<?php VDEnd(); ?>

Ive tried this but it doesnt work,

$con = mysql_connect("","","");
if (!$con){
die("Can not connect: " . mysql_error());
$result = mysql_query("SELECT id_user, Name_of_product FROM Product_Tracker WHERE id_user=$_SESSION['name_of_user']");
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
echo $row['Name_of_Product'];
echo "<br />";

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