lundi 13 avril 2015

Open Webpage Section/Tab on Form Submit / page reload

I am using a bootstrap theme and am trying to get my page's form to stay on/open the specific registration form's confirm message. Unfortunately with several Registration Forms on the page, each is "hidden" inside it's own hidden div/tab. I am not too good with JS and have spent about 4 hours so far trying to get this to function properly:

On any Registration Form completion I want the user to be brought back to and shown that Registration Form's Confirmation Message AND the "Pay with Card" button when it is part of the reg process (the button currently shows when it should). However, the problem is that when my form reloads the best i can do is bring users to the Registration Section and show the Golfer's Reg Form and/or Confirm message only (because it is the default open div/tab). I have tried php and limited JS/jQuery with no success. I have tried adding Class .active to the li i want to display but no luck. I currently have the following trying to fire on each form when submitted to TRY to get the appropriate registration tab to display:

if ($reg_type == 'Diners' && !empty($confirm_msg)) {
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
var tab = $('#reg_diner').parent();
echo '<div class="confirm-message">' . $confirm_msg . '</div>';
echo $stripe_pay_form;

please help.

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