lundi 13 avril 2015

php: get option select value by mysql

I'm sorry for my english. I hope you to understand me. I'm trying to have an altas.php file for various html forms . so, I have this code in a html form with many other mysql columns:

<div><label for="categoria">Categoría principal</label><select type="text" name="categoria">
$query = "select id, categoria from categorias";
$result = mysqli_query($mysql,$query);
if(!$result) echo 'Muy mal....';
$num_filas = mysqli_num_rows($result);
for ($i = 0; $i < $num_filas; $i++){
$row = mysqli_fetch_array($result);
<option value "<?php echo $row['id']?>"><?php echo $row['categoria']?></option><?php

For the other hand, if I make this:

foreach($_POST as $campo => $valor){
echo $campo ." = ". $valor ."\n";

I have no results for categoria. Why not? I should have got the value, wich it's the categorias's id.

And something else: How can I use the "foreach" whith an insert sentence? For example:

foreach($_POST as $campo => $valor){
$query ="INSERT INTO $tabla ($campo) VALUES ('$valor')";

$tabla is passed with $_GET. This code make a new row for each $campo, of course. Any idea? The most of the times, I find the answer to my questions, but this time, I'd try some suggestions, and nothing works.

Many thanks,

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