mardi 14 avril 2015

Submit not working in Chrome on an HTML file

We have a small application that is hosted on Lotus notes which is working on all browsers except Chrome.

The HTML is

<form method="post" action="/Start?OpenForm&amp;Seq=1&amp;erc=0" name="_Begin">

<input name="textfield" value="" class="line" size="49">
<!-- Submit Button-->
<a onclick="submit() return false;" href=""><img src="" width="145" height="23" id="Beg_r5_c4" border="0"></a>

The JS is

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
document._domino_target = "_self";
function _doClick(v, o, t, h) {
var form = document._Begin;
if (form.onsubmit) {
var retVal = form.onsubmit();
if (typeof retVal == "boolean" && retVal == false)
return false;
var target = document._domino_target;
if (o.href != null) {
if ( != null)
target =;
} else {
if (t != null)
target = t;
} = target;
form.__Click.value = v;
if (h != null)
form.action += h;
return false;
// -->

Any idea why it's not working in Chrome?


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