mardi 31 mars 2015

How to prevent browsers from retrying failed POST requests (and check for internet connectivity)?

I have a site intended for mobile users that would check the connectivity for every POST requests. If there is no internet connectivity, I will prompt our an error message for to user. Also, I would like to have a transition effect indicating the form is being submitted. I have the following codes

var progress = 0;

$('div').on('submit', 'form', function(e){

var thisform = this;

if(progress === 1){

// check internet connection
var connection = hostReachable();

alert('No connection');
setTimeout(function(){ // re-allow submission after 8000 ms (not immediately to avoid browser retry)
progress = 0;
return false;

return true;


if(progress === 0){ // first submit

// updated progress value
progress = 1;

//form transition
$('.spinner').show('fast', function(){

} else {
// prevent submit retries when no connectivity
return false;

where hostReachable() is a function for checking connectivity using xhr request.

The problem is now after the thisform.submit(); the form submission event seems not triggered again. So the codes inside if(progress === 1) is never run. Why is it so? What's wrong with my codes? Thanks!

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