mardi 31 mars 2015

Is it because $_GET is global or the form submitting to itself or else?

I am trying to understand one simple thing in PHP form handling.I am new to it and I have a sample code:

<form name="frm" method="post" action="">
Item Name:<input type="text" name="itmName" id="itmName"/><br/><br/>
<input type="submit" name="sbmit" value="Add Record"/>

echo '<script type="text/javascript">alert("'.$_GET['m'].'");</script>';

Irrespective of what data I send to the server, my focus is on the if(isset($_GET['m'])) part of the code. Everytime I submit the form, the 'if' is always evaluated to true and as a result the alert box appears.Is it because $_GET is holding the previous value set by header("location:1.php?m=10"); or is it because the form is submitting to itself or else?Googling didn't provide much help. I need better understanding over this.With Thanks

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