dimanche 1 mars 2015

some questions about positions in form, css

I'm trying to learn HTML & CSS and tried to make a basic login form with CSS3 effects. The link are here below to the code.

< http://ift.tt/1Ds7hJE

As you can see there are some problems.

1: "glömt lösenord" & "Registrera" arent under the password form to the right.

How can I move the alinks to the right precisly under the form to the right?

2: The "Logga in" button seems to be under the form to the left, but zoom once or twice and the position will change. Why do I have ( margin-left: -112px;) under the Input submit for? That value looks weird but its their it is under the form to the left.

3: And the last problem, the links "Glömt lösenord" & "Registrera" are in the middle of the button to the left, how can I take them down so they are at the same level as the button to the left?

Thank you.

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