dimanche 1 mars 2015

Use same form on two different pages (URLs) in Symfony 2

I am using the FOSUserBundle with Symfony 2.5. I have overridden the default registration form and defined a new URL for it.

path: /user/new.html
defaults: { _controller: FOSUserBundle:Registration:register }

and this is the form

class RegistrationFormType extends AbstractType
public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)

$builder->add('terms', 'checkbox', array('required' => true,
'mapped' => false,
'constraints' => new True(array('message' => 'Required!'))));

$builder->add("email", "email", array("required" => true, "mapped" => true, "constraints" => new MailBlacklist()));

public function getParent()
return 'fos_user_registration';

public function getName()
return 'my_user_registration';

finally I registered it as a service.

When I show the form on the URL /user/new.html and submit it, it works: validation errors are shown and if everything is fine with the data, the user is created.

But when I show exactly the same form on a different URL (the root) and submit the form, no validation is done and the user is not saved. Instead, I get redirected to /user/new.html and see an empty form.

I create the form like this

$form = $this->createForm('my_user_registration')->createView();

Why isn't this working? Is FOSUserBundle checking the referer or something?

My template

<form action="{{ path('fos_user_registration_register') }}" {{ form_enctype(form) }} method="POST">
{{ form_widget(form) }}
<input type="submit" value="Registrieren" />

Would be great if someone could help my with this "little" problem :)

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