mercredi 25 février 2015

send a formatted and merged email when google form is submitted

I have created very simple form, response and a basic format (not content) of the email I wish to have sent when a form is submitted. It is intended to be a thanks for inquiry and here are links to some more info email. the links and content, I am sure I can alter to suit if I have the basics. The script on sheet I had found at google product forum. If I try to insert what I am trying "Content" into script editor, I get error line 36. I do not want their form response on the bottom of email either. thank you.

Oh and I have seen add-ons that would probably do the trick well. I do not wish to use an add=on.

This is the form response sheet..

This is the email I am trying to populate and send.

Thank you. Leigh

Oh final thought. Is it possible to have mail sent from account other than google?

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