mardi 31 mars 2015

Form Submission issue Please Help? How I can get value of ID at end of my URL

I have following code and I want to submit my Form on click button, Click function is working fine but tell me how I can Assign values of "ID" at the end of my URL as mentioned on the below code.

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
var ID = $(this).prev('.sendEmail').attr('id');

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
var form = $('#form2'); // contact form
var submit = $('#submit2'); // submit button
var alert = $('.alert'); // alert div for show alert message

// form submit event
form.on('submit', function(e) {
e.preventDefault(); // prevent default form submit

url: '//'+ID,
type: 'POST', // form submit method get/post
dataType: 'html', // request type html/json/xml
data: form.serialize(), // serialize form data
beforeSend: function() {
submit.html('Sending....'); // change submit button text
success: function(data) {
alert.html(data).fadeIn(); // fade in response data
form.trigger('reset'); // reset form
submit.html('&#10004; Alert Successfully Sent!'); // reset submit button text
error: function(e) {

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