lundi 30 mars 2015

php multiple checkbox array not working

I am currently struggling with a very basic part of a PHP form. I've created a form with a single checkboxes, each assigned a different database Ids value, I want these to be sent to a variable (array?) for deleting a records from database.

but problem is that when i checked multiple check box form only posting single value and single record via using jquery ajax post and php function deleted only single record?

and second thing i want add to parents fade out option after single/multiple records delete from database after ajax success?

I've looked around for a few examples here but a lot of them but i can't get solution for my problem.

Here Html

<form name="update_products_form" class="update_products_form"
id="myForm" action="?ToDo=runAddon&addon=<?php echo $this->name; ?
>&actionMode&mdelete" method="post" />

<input type="checkbox" class="update_record_checkbox"
name="selected_records[<?=$item['id']?>]" id="checkbox_<?=$item['id']?>"
title="Update this record" value="<?=$item['id']?>" />


<div class="toggle">

<span class="option">
<a href="#" role="button" class="toggleBtn" title="Delete">
<input type="button" class="buttonsupp" id="delsupplier" value="Delete Suppliers" >

<span class="update_message"></span>

<div class="link">
<?php echo $name ?>
<?php echo $class ?>
<?php echo $subject ?>


Here Ajax

// Toggle the delete buttons

var remove = $(this).parent().filter(".option"),
show = remove.hide().siblings().show();



if(CheckedCkeckBoxes('update_record_checkbox') == 0){
alert('Please select atleast one record.');
return false;

var action = $('.update_products_form').attr('action');
var parent = $(this).parents(".link");

type: "POST",
url: action,
data: $("#myForm").serialize(),

success: function(msg){
$('span.update_message').html('supplier deleted successfully.');

//function not working after deleted single record
parent.remove();//function not working after deleted single record

error: function(){
$('span.update_message').html('Something went wrong, Please try again.');


return false;


Here Php Code


$record_ids = array();
foreach($_POST['selected_records'] as $id => $email)
$record_ids[]= "'$id'";
$record_ids = implode(',', $record_ids);
$sql = "DELETE FROM [|PREFIX|]order_custom_payment_vendors WHERE id IN($record_ids) ";

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